Top 10 queues by number of recipients
The "Queues" page provides a listing of the top ten queues ranked by number of recipients.
Name - Name of the domain and Virtual MTA if applicable, in the format domain/vmta.
#Rcpt - Number of recipients currently in the given queue.
KBytes - Current size of queue.
#Conn - Number of outbound connections the queue is currently using.
Paused - Whether the queue has been paused or not.
Mode - The mode of the queue, either normal or backoff.
Last Error - The last error that was generated by a message from the given queue.
Display options
Help with the display options output
The "Queues" page consists of a "view options" form which after submitting, generates an output similar in format to the "Queues" page, but for the specific queue and based on the other parameters specified.
Queue name - Name of the queue you want to query.
Sort by - Determines in what order the results will be displayed.
Connections - Number of outbound connections the query results are currently using.
Paused - Only list queues paused, not paused, or both.
Mode - Only list queues in the specified modes.
Display at most - Limit the query results to a specified number.
Refresh every - Refersh the reults after the specified amount of seconds. Useful for ongoing monitoring.